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About Anonymity

Are moods and comments really anonymous?

Nicolas Deverge avatar
Written by Nicolas Deverge
Updated over a week ago

But first, why anonymity?

We strongly believe that anonymity is key on TeamMood.

Thanks to anonymity, people are more ok to share what they *really* have on their mind, so the team can act upon things that really bother people.

If your team already have open and transparent communications, then you don't need TeamMood at all.

Anonymity on TeamMood

Your data are anonymous. Neither team administrators nor regular users can know who does what. These data are kept anonymous from outside (from the TeamMood UI, and also the TeamMood API).

But from a system's point of view, moods and comments are linked to their authors. This is due to several reasons:

  • We provide a moderation feature in case someone breaks our code of conduct, and we may need to warn the author about a bad behaviour.

  • It helps us to resolve issues quicker and provide better support, by having more information about the interactions between users and the platform.

Only TeamMood authorized staff can access these data, and we will not disclose author details.

BUT we may break the anonymity if we detect risky behaviour. In that case, we may contact your company to share your identity, following a strictly confidential process mainly involving Human Resources.

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