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About Bad Mood Streaks

TeamMood will show you when someone is going through a rough time, here is how it works.

Written by Morgane Le Marquer
Updated over a week ago

What's a Bad Mood Streak?

A Bad Mood Streak appears when someone shared 3 consecutive bad moods.

It helps to know when someone is having a bad time.

What to do about it?

You are the person having the Bad Mood Streak

If you are the person going through a rough time, you may get notifications from people who care for you, as they can leave some comments about the situation, and sending comforting words.

It's totally anonymous, and no one can know who shared the bad moods.

TeamMood is showing a Bad Mood Streak about a teammate

No panic!

If you see that a teammate is having a rough time, we encourage you to send some encouraging words to them and to discuss about this at your next team meeting or Retrospective, without trying too hard to find out who it is.

On TeamMood you can use this alert card to:

  • Show your support:

    • Click on "Care" as you feel concerned.

  • Open or contribute to the conversation:

    • Use the discussion thread to express what seems appropriate to you (ask for the problem, offer your help, share your feelings about the situation, etc.). In this case, chatting in non-anonymous mode may be preferable to make feel the people in bad pass more confident.

Some resources to help you to handle the Bad Mood Streak

Here are some blog posts that can help you in this kind of situation:

And some resources to help you improve your mood at work:

If you still have questions, feel free to ask us at

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