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How TeamMood complies with GDPR

Our commitment on the EU Data Regulation.

Nicolas Deverge avatar
Written by Nicolas Deverge
Updated over a week ago

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets a new standard for how companies use and protect EU citizens’ data. It took effect on May 2018.

At TeamMood, we’ve been working hard to prepare for GDPR, to ensure that we fulfil its obligations and maintain our transparency about how we use data. 

Here’s an overview of GDPR, and how we prepared for it at TeamMood.

What’s GDPR?   

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is a new comprehensive data protection law that came into effect on May 25, 2018. It replaces existing EU Data Protection law to strengthen the protection of “personal data” and the rights of the individual. It is a single set of rules which govern the processing and monitoring of EU data.

How had TeamMood prepared for GDPR?

This is a massive overhaul of processes and data models to make sure we’re meeting our legal obligations, and doing the best thing for our customers while still letting us move fast, scale and build a great product. 

Here are the main things we’ve been doing to ensure we’re setting up ourselves and our customers up to meet GDPR obligations:

We have updated our policies

We made sure that our privacy policy and terms of service are compliant with the GDPR.

We have built new features 

We built the necessary features that will enable our customers to easily and fully delete all data linked to an individual user. 

We also built a feature to allow easy export of all data linked to an individual end user.

We added a disclaimer to the daily mood email to remind people of the privacy policy.

We’ve improved anonymity 

Anonymity is very important in the TeamMood service. We are still working on several ways to make sure that the data you provide as an individual will stay anonymous.

We have coordinated with our vendors

We’ve reviewed all our vendors, finding out about their GDPR plans and arranged similar GDPR-ready data processing agreements with them. 

We have taken new security measures

Security is a priority for us. We have regular external audits and pentests. Findings from each assessment are reviewed with the assessors, risk ranked and fixed according to the impact.

We’ll keep sharing information on our progress.


Feel free to reach out to us at if you have any questions about GDPR - we’d be happy to talk with you about it.

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