Adding Users From The TeamMood's Admin UI
You must have the administrators rights in order to be able to add people to a team.
And you need to be logged in to TeamMood.
Add team members one by one
You can add a teammate in 3 steps:
Access to your TeamMember setting by clicking on "Admin" menu item and then on "My Team Members" in the "Team Updates" section.
Your team member list is displayed (1). To add a new teammate, click on "+ New Team Member" or "+" button (2).
Fill in the form with at least the email, first name and last name of your new teammate, and validate by clicking on the "Ok" button.
Tags are optional and allow you to segment your data. Other settings will be set automatically with the default values you set when creating the team (you can update them by clicking the people setting icon next to the (+)). Feel free to adjust all the settings for each teammate.
That's it, this person is now part of your team and will receive TeamMood notifications to express their feelings and participate in team discussions.
Batch Import
If you have a lot of users to add, just send an Excel file to and we'll do the work for you.
For the format of the file, just download the template below.