TeamMood's notifications come too early or too late? Not the right day(s)? You prefer to receive Slack or Teams notifications instead of emails? Here is how to update the notification's settings.
All these settings are available from the "Quick Actions" menu:
Let's review the what's available:
Notification Time
You can easily update the notifications time, just choose the timezone (1) and the time (2), and you are all set!
Notification Days
You can choose the day(s) you want to receive TeamMood notifications. If you are part of several teams, you will be able to choose a different configuration for each team (you will have a setting section per team, see A and B).
Active days for notification are colored in green, click on the day for which you want to activate/deactivate notifications (1). If your configuration differs from the default team settings, the "Same as team" button (2) will appear, click on it to restore these settings.
Notification Channel
You can choose how to receive notifications. By default, you receive the Mood notification by Email. You can see its status as "Enabled" (1), click on it if you want to change to "Disable" status for this send option. You have the possibility to test the configuration by immediately sending the notification by clicking on the "Test" button (2).
If you wish to configure the sending of notifications by a third-party platform, click on "Configure" (3). Please refer to the help article on setting up Slack, Teams or Webex if you need more details.
Out of Office period
To turn off notifications for a given period (because you will be on vacation or for another reason...), you can define "Out of office" periods.
Select the dates you will be away and that's it. You can add more than one, repeating the operation (a new button "Add vacation period" will appear).
If you're the team admin and want to change the notification time or day(s) for the whole team or multiple members, see our Batch update article to easily do so.
In the "Quick Actions" menu, you would also find direct access to configure you Custom filters and Periodic Digests.
If you still have questions about notification settings, feel free to ask us at